The Hungarian government has approved a referendum on Ukraine's European Union membership at its meeting on Wednesday.

Gergely Gulyás, the minister heading the Prime Minister's Office, welcomed that the US "has come over to the side of peace", as well as the ceasefire proposal already accepted by the presidents of Ukraine and the European Commission.

At the same time, he said the decision of the European Parliament "urging further weapon deliveries and aiming to finance the continuation of the war", was "nonsensical and unintelligible".

"It is especially sad that the European People's Party, of which [opposition] Tisza is a member, is at the helm" of the initiative, he said.

Commenting on EC President Ursula von der Leyen's statement before the EP that Ukraine should be a member by 2030, Gulyás said the aim was "outrageous and dangerous".

"We are convinced that the people should be able to decide on that in Hungary," he said.

The referendum on Ukraine's membership will contain a single question, he added.

Az oroszok támadnak, Putyin nem hátrál! Ebből lehet, hogy nem lesz béke?
Vlagyimir Putyin egyetért az ukrajnai tűzszünettel – de van egy csavar! Azt mondja, a békének nemcsak időszakosnak, hanem véglegesnek kell lennie, amely megoldja a konfliktus eredeti okait is. De mit…
Melyik balos KAMPÁNYDAL a kedvencetek?
Nekünk egyik sem.

Országos politika




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