Zsófia Koncz, the state secretary of the culture and innovation ministry, briefed the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women on Hungary's family policy in New York on Tuesday.
After the meeting,…

The 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight of Hungary against Habsburg rule was commemorated at the statue of revolutionary leader Lajos Kossuth displayed in the US Capitolium in Washington, DC, on Wednesday.
Zsófia Koncz, Hungary's state secretary for family policy, said Kossuth had been a "link" between the US and Hungary, "as is the value of families as the foundation of both nations". "We must stand up for shared values such as peace, family, national values and Christian culture," she said.
Koncz told MTI that during her visit, she had seen "great interest in the US" regarding Hungarian policies, especially family policy.
Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum said bilateral ties between the two countries had seen a "full 180", enhanced by the "close personal and political relationship between the US president and the Hungarian prime minister".
Zsófia Koncz, the state secretary of the culture and innovation ministry, briefed the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women on Hungary's family policy in New York on Tuesday.
After the meeting,…
A magyar kormány a jelenlegi helyzetben veszélyesnek tartja Ukrajna uniós csatlakozását és különösen vitatjuk a brüsszeli tervek szerinti gyorsított eljárást. Ezért a tegnapi kormányülésen jóváhagytuk…
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A plenáris hét utolsó ülésnapja még zajlik, de Árgyelán János kollégámmal már elkészítettünk reggel egy rövid beszélgetést az eheti tapasztalatokról.
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