Giorgia Meloni: Érthető Orbán Viktor Ukrajnával kapcsolatos álláspontja.
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Giorgia Meloni: Viktor Orbán's position on Ukraine is understandable
Viktor Orbán's decision regarding Ukraine's accession to the European Union is influenced by the strictness of the European Commission towards Hungary, which the body does not show towards other member states - Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni believed in her speech on the next summit of EU heads of state and government in the House of Representatives in Rome on Tuesday evening.

Giorgia Meloni emphasized that she is well aware of the views of the Hungarian Prime Minister, which do not match the ones she represents regarding Ukraine's EU accession, but she noted that, in her opinion, the rigidity and strictness of the European Commission led to the views of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Meloni explained that his government is on Kiev's side, but the solution is not only financial support for Ukraine: "the consequences of the war must also be taken into account, as the conflict has already burdened European public opinion."

Giorgia Meloni recalled that her predecessor, Mario Draghi, who handed over the prime ministership to Giorgia Meloni last October, traveled by train to Kyiv in June 2022 with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The three of them were also recorded in the railway cabin.

For some, foreign policy means taking a joint photo with France and Germany, but bringing home no results. Europe does not consist of three members, but of twenty-seven, and you have to keep in touch with everyone: I'm talking to Germany, France, but also Hungary. This is how I do my political work well - answered Giorgia Meloni to the suggestion of Lia Quartapelle, a representative of the left-wing Democratic Party (PD), the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the lower house. Quartapelle called on Meloni to choose between Europe and Viktor Orbán, as he cannot be a friend of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Viktor Orbán at the same time.

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