A Közel-Kelet biztonsága közvetlen magyar érdek!

1. The National Assembly condemns the terrorist attack against Israel perpetrated by Hamas and expresses its sympathy to those who suffered the attacks and lost their relatives and loved ones.

2. Hungary condemns the terrorists and stands by the victims. Victims of terrorism have the right to defend themselves and to take the necessary steps to prevent the attack from happening again. Hungary recognizes Israel's right to self-defence. At the same time, the war against terrorists must be avoided from becoming a war between states. The peace process based on the Abraham Accords, which represents an historic breakthrough in the settlement of relations between Israel and the Arab countries, must be maintained.

3. The National Assembly draws attention to the fact that large numbers of crowds, which include supporters of terror, agents of Hamas and other terrorist organizations, who have been admitted to Europe without inspection, pose a direct and serious risk to the security of European citizens and the continent. This is the direct consequence of the irresponsible and erroneous migration policy.

4. The Council of the European Union previously adopted a joint position on organizations which support terror and participate in terrorist acts, which is considered a point of reference by Hungary. Our country has always fought against terrorism and already treated the members of these organizations as terrorists when it did not allow them to enter the territory of the country. Our country protects its borders against illegal immigration with physical and legal border barriers, thereby keeping away the terrorist threat concomitant with migration and guaranteeing the safety of Hungarian citizens. We expect the European Union to support this position with all means!

Napló/2221: Életút-interjú készül a Hungarikum Liget Sára Sándor Filmműhelyében. Szécsi Árpád kérdezi Grezsa István címzetes főorvost, az MDF alapító tagját.

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Országos politika



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